1965 to 1986

Mark and Samantha, along with their two children, Terry and Janet, moved bought the house from the Administratrix of Rachael Kendrick's estate on August 26, 1965. The Administratrix was Olwen (Kendrick) Braun. Olwen's mother (Rachel) had just passed away, and her father (James) lived in a care facility in the Denver area.

Mark and Samantha lived in the house until 1986, when the were forced to sell because they were no longer able to navigate the stairs. It was obvious from talking with their son and daughter that the family loved the house very much. We were priviledged to have both Terry and Janet for a visit in the house in 2009. During our lunch with them, they shared numerous stories and photographs with us. However, since members of the Mendenhall family are still alive, we are not putting all of the information we have about the family online to protect their privacy. We are sure that you will understand.

Mark Hudlin Mendenhall

Mark Hudlin Mendenhall
Date of Birth: March 24, 1919
Place of Birth: Caldwell, Kansas
Date of Death: February 23, 2007 Obituary
Place of Death: Pueblo, Colorado
Place of Burial: Roselawn Cemetery, Grave location 59A-31-4
Spouse: Samantha
Date of Marriage: November 13, 1948 (Johnson, Kansas)
Children: Terry, Janet
Occupations: Soldier, U.S. Army; Salesman, Purchasing Agent and Vice President, King Investment & Lumber Company; Manager, Pueblo Dealers Supply Inc.; Manager, Wholesale Building Material; Agent, Sales Manager, Jett Supply Company.
Personal Information: Mark was in the U.S. Army and served in the European Theater during World War II. A copy of the ship's manifest was found for when he returned to the United States, arriving in New York on October 9, 1945, aboard the Queen Elizabeth.

Samantha "Sammie" Mendenhall

Samantha Mendenhall
Date of Birth: February 21, 1918
Place of Birth: Bloom, Kansas
Date of Death: March 25, 2004 Obituary
Place of Death: Pueblo, Colorado
Place of Burial: Roselawn Cemetery, Grave location 59A-31-3
Spouse: Mark
Date of Marriage: November 13, 1948 (Johnson, Kansas)
Children: Terry, Janet
Occupations: Pharmacist, Lee Pharmacy; Pharmacist, Seal Pharmacy; Pharmacist, St. Mary Corwin Hospital
Personal Information: Samantha was the first woman pharmacist in Pueblo, retiring from St. Mary-Corwin Pharmacy.

Terry Mendenhall

Janet Mendenhall

Terry Mendenhall Janet Mendenhall

The City Directories provided a great deal of history for the Mendenhall family. We only went back to 1962, three years before they bought the house. The Directory did not list Samantha with an occupation in 1962, but Mark is shown as being a Salesman for King Investment & Lumber Company, 621 W. 6th Street. The business phone number was L5-1494. The Mendenhall's address was listed at 1817 Englewood Drive, and their telephone number was L12-4164.

In 1963, Samantha was listed as being a Pharmacist, working for Lee Pharmacy, which was located at 1230 E. 8th Street. In 1964, this business was located at the same address had a name of Seal Pharmacy. The building is still owned by the Seal family, and home to Veterinarian Dr. Rodney Seal, with a business address of 715 N. La Crosse Avenue. The Pharmacy's telephone number was 544-3315.

The Directory was not found for 1965, but the 1966 Directory showed the Mendenhalls living at 1007 Lake Avenue, with a telephone number of 542-4164. Mark was now shown as a Purchasing Agent for King Investment & Lumber Company, and Samantha was now a Pharmacist at the St. Mary Corwin Hospital, where she would remain employed until her retirement.

The information would remain the same in 1967, but in 1968, Mark was listed as the Vice President for King Investment & Lumber Company. This was short lived as in 1969, he was listed as being the Manager for the Pueblo Dealers Supply Company, located at 112 River Street. The business phone number was 545-4210. This address no longer exists however. The aerial photograph shows a vacant lot, but currently a new hotel complex sits at this location. 1969 was the first year that Terry was listed as a Student in the Directory. The information was unchanged in the 1970 Directory.

The only changes in the 1971 Directory were that Janet was now listed as a Student, and Terry was shown with a USA. This was most likely since he had enlisted in the U.S. Army. No changes were recorded in the 1972 Directory. No Directory was found for 1973.

There were several changes in the 1974 Directory. Mark was listed as the Manager of the Wholesale Building Material. They were located at 100 N. Mechanic Street, with a telephone number of 544-9826. Sadly, this address no longer exists. The aerial photograph shows that this is now a parking lot. Janet, no longer a student, was shown as being a receptionish for Alfredo T. Yap, a Psychiatrist, with an office located at 1601 Bonforte Boulevard, Suite 1, and telephone number 543-0992. With a new job came a new residence. Janet had moved out of the house and into her own place at 49 Barclay Drive, Apartment 1. This is not the official address of the apartment building today. It appears that it has been re-addressed as 49 Red Creek Springs Road.

In 1975 there were a couple of changes. One was that Janet was listed as an office Secretary, and moved to 1624 W. 31st Street. County records no longer show this as an address. Mark changed jobs and became an Agent for Jett Supply Company, Inc.. There were a wholesale distributor of steel and building products. Jett was located at 1103 S. Santa Fe Avenue, telephone number 545-6722.

Janet was no longer listed in the City Directory in 1976, but there was a J. Mendenhall living at 2025 Jerry Murphy, Apartment 116. Terry was also no longer listed in the directory. Most likely he moved to Kansas, where he still resides. Mark was promoted to Sales Manager with Jett Supply, and Samantha was still a Pharmacist at St. Mary Corwin Hospital. There was no change in any of the information until 1981, when Terry was listed as a Salesman for a lumber yard. There is no indication of which one. His home address is listed as being 114 Washington Street, telephone number 543-4157. Janet was showing being married to Bob Hatton, a Pharmaceutical Representative for Lederle Laby. They called 1719 Bonny Brae Lane home. Janet was an Office Secretary for SOCO Lumber, Location No. 1, 700 W. 6th Street. David's Grandfather was a Mechanic for SOCO Lumber at the same, working out of Location No. 3, located at 801 W. 4th Street.

No change in information was found until after Mark and Samantha left the house of 1007 Lake Avenue. After they sold the house, the City Directory did not have them listed until 1995, when they were listed as living at 112 Scotland Road, Unit G. They lived there until their deaths.

Continue to the Ryan family